Tuesday, December 8, 2009

movie marathon !!

$7 and $8 per movie.. I don't know whether those price are worth or not, cause a lot of people say just to buy one ticket then we could just sneak into the other cinema, I feel really bad for them, but in the other way I wanted to save my money as well, I spent a lot yesterday lol.. Some more I'm thinking that if I want to save my money, I couldn't enjoy myself, cause every time I got stressed out I just need to buy something or do something which always requires money, no worries I'm still the same, I'm not into expensive clothes and girly stuff, so I spent it to something more ... ackward.

I was so damn happy yesterday, I got the feeling before that yesterday won't be a good day because I had a lot of shitty things happened in the morning, and every time I got that feeling, it feels like something wrong will happen to me again later on, but naahhh.. well.. I should carry a lot of trays thou, but I just try to think positive and put it as the part of my training.. anyway I just remembered that I should call to book my Orlando trip.. hmm.. after I finished working I just changed really fast and walk to the channelside.. =)

well anyway, this is the time to review 2 movies that I watched yesterday;

First is the Old Dogs starring John Travolta and Robin Williams, this is the best comedy movie for 2009, well that's my opinion lol. The stories is really simple but the way the act and the role of the movie was really funny and touching.. reminds me of Patch Adams. Whoever thought that this movie is the sequel for the Wild Dog, they got it wrong.. It's totally a different movie just with the same cast.. I watched it in a lounge style cinema alone, it was awesome !

I went out to have an appetizer The Spring Summer Roll and dessert Fried Cheesecake in Thai restaurant while waiting for my second movie..

The second movie is the best of the best true story movie I've ever seen.. THE BLIND SIDE.. so touching, so tempting, so encouraging, so motivating, Sandra Bullock at her best.. even though I don't really understand Football but this movie really ... how to say.. made me curious and can't wait what will happen in the next scene =)

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Washington Hall

enjoying my off day here in tampa, I'm not going out somewhere, don't want to spend any money today.. now is fall in florida, the wind is so damn strong, can you imagine the wind is pushing you aside when you're biking? i bike sooo hard for 20 min everyday to work.. there are two bridges some more that i have to pass.. geez I hate having a lot of pimples as well.. it will be great if I could drive my own car in here.. talking about how hot florida is eventhou it's already fall reminds me of my dorm back there in New Hampshire..
I never live in a dorm before and i think it's a really great experience for me.. well spending a lot of money is not really necessary if you want to find peacefulness, like renting another house and stay outside the dorm, well it depends of each people perspective. if i want to just stay by myself, i could just take the single room in the dorm, believe me it's more fun if we're staying together and spend most of our time with our classmates. =) geez i miss my fellow classmates at indon so much, how i spent my quality and stupidity time together with 'em.
ahem.. oh well.. let's get back to my previous dorm.. which i will be back there again next year.. the first time we came to new hampshire, it was really2 cold.. we arrived at 1am, we're really lost and don't know what to do.. I brought 2 freaking huge luggage with me, 1 small luggage, and 1 hand carrier with me.. oh what a day.. we didn't found any taxi as well, nobody's there.. it's really weird, so we found this unknown private taxi run by the African immigrant guys to our campus, it was really dark and pretty scary, we didn't have any clue at all when we arrived at our campus SNHU.. we circled around the campus area, and we just anyhow figure that we should just stay in front of this big building near the hospitality center, lol.
well break time.. it's time for diet coke.. brb.. anyway.. I'm watching chicken little right now, the fish is really cute ! aahh how calm i forgot how cute he is..
one of my friend saw a Korean boy, who's Richard, if I'm not wrong that would be his American name.. we were so cold back then, and he could able to speak English really well and he choose to ignore us at the first time.. at last I saw bunch of people who're entering their car, so I just ran after them and asked them to help us out, so that they called the security and they helped us to get some food =), ahh feels like I'm in a hobo's shelter..
The first day when we're there, the weather is so cold, we're freezing inside our room, trying to sleep.. day after day.. we met our other classmates one by one, Canadian, Jamaican, Peruvian, Nedherland, Turkish, Chinese.. I'm really excited to meet other people from different nationalities, it's just the other side of me to explore and observed their cultural minds..should i say again that i miss my Indonesian friends back home? =(
1 most important thing that we should consider by staying in a standard dorm.. PUT A FAN IN THE ROOM !! i never thought that i could be that hot in New Hampshire.. really it's more hotter than Vancouver.. i thought that i just want to save my money by not buying the $15 fan, ahh... what a selfish mind, i thought that 1,5 months won't be a long time, but i almost melted last time and i couldn't sleep at all cause of the heat.. ohh and i promise myself even though i need to walk by to the Walmart and carry that fan by myself? I would !
the other sucky thing is the lighting inside the room, it's not that bright and it's yellow ! why American like to put yellow lamps inside the room? it's really hard to stay and doing thing inside that room, i prefer to do things like paperwork and if possible chatting outside my room as well like in the library or in the common room.

I <3 Indonesia

bingung.. saia bingung.. kenapa kalo di indo, saia berdomisili di jakarta sih.. pasti tuh org2 rasis berat de.. cina lah, indo, indon, bule depok, cina kota, cina benteng, dll.. kita smua kan sama.. sama - sama lahir di indonesia, kita itu satu.. ga bisa dipungkiri mungkin saia dl jg org yg seperti itu.. tapi pas sudah pergi meninggalkan ibukota.. rasanya tuh ada sesuatu yang hilang, pecahan dalam diri yang tidak lengkap.. aku rindu indonesia..
bangga sekali saia jadi orang indonesia, saya ga akan malu mengakui kalau pemerintahannya bobrok, tapi disisi lain banyak hal yang patut dibanggakan dari kita.. gw menyadari kalau negara kita itu kreatif banged.. over mala iya sampai kadang2 disalah gunakan dengan menjiplak karya orang lain..
setelah menjajakkan kaki di benua lain.. saia tersadarkan.. rasis itu kata2 yang tak berarti.. ditanya, kamu orang apa? "INDONESIA" mrk ga akan tanya n gamau tau chinese lah melayu lah.. kita indonesian titik ga pake koma.. kalo orang2 bilang gw org chinese.. yg ada gw marah.. "ga ga gw bukan chinese.. gw indonesian !!" ada darah chinese tapi saya dari indonesia !

Manchester - England? ngarep

 kata2 kota itu cukup menipuku.. setengah mati saia yg buta peta ini mencoba mencari dmn kah letak sekolahku itu.. snhu, southern new hampshire university.. kesannya gagah nan dusun banged.. pasti ditengah limbah hutan ato diatas pohon cemara.. (emgnya ruma si komo?).. bokap uda spaneng, tp saia teteup kekeuh cb cari info dll.. sampe cari2 d fb org2 yg ada skul dsana.. gatau mrk itu low tech ato gmn yah.. sombong banged kirim msg ga perna dibales.. sampe akhirnya senior ada yg ngasi tau klo senior yg laen ada ksana.. ahem.. ngerti sampe sini?
setelah semangat email2an dll.. uda mule terbukalah jalan.. akhirnya bokap ngijinin buat k karawaci lagi ketemu ma dekan buat minta formulirnya.. dan waktu ngbrol2.. gw dengan bangga nya.. "iya pak saya setengah mati itu cari infonya sampe akhirnya ketemu klo kak C jg ksana, saya cari blablablaa,, abis waktu itu presentasinya blablabla, kan bisa dikira klo sekolahnya maw uang doank blabla.." dan doi dengan santenya ngmng "lha anak saya jg kesana kok.." jirrrrrrrrrrrrrrr... astaganagabonardragonballmakanudang.. knapa ga dari dulu doi bilang... aiyoo... setelah 1 kalimat "pa ternyata anknya dekan jg ksana.." suurr.. mulus dah..

eniwei.. iyah.. cupu bngt gw dl klo diinget2 cari kota kampus gw itu.. manchester2.. klo ditanya org.. "maw kul dmn lo?", "manchester" saaaaaaaaaaaahhh.. kesannya ajib ! "ohh di inggris, hebat yah, ntar bisa ketemu si x y z dong?" ,"kaga.. gw di manchester amrik.." krik krik..."dmn tuh?", "tau boston?", "ohhh...","nah itu satu stenga jam dari sana"...
manchester oh manchester.. bus umum cmn ada sampe jam 6, uda kek kota mati bener.. sekolah adanya di gunung *mulai lebay.. deket kuburan pula.. toko toko dan pub tutup jam 1 pagi.. *hebat kan tuh...
tp cintaku padamu oh manchester.. FREE TAX ! yay.. jumpalitan..

Economy Class

I swear to God, if I have much money and when i should go back and travel for more than 3 hrs in a plane, i should get a business class ! (that will be the 3rd if clause uh?) .. i couldn't imagine how the business people can stand to travel and put their ass in uncomfy spot for a freaking long time to get to another place.. no wonder that most of the business travelers are so..(*&#@(#*& uhm.. unpredictable sometimes..
I don't think that I'm too fat to sit in an economy class chair, but why.. why... it feels like I'm stuck in a box, couldn't move at all.. well in case of last time, when it was the plane from SG to Japan by AA and another flight from los angeles to vancouver, i was sitting alone in the entire row.. so i just lay down and put my feet up to the chair and pretend to sleep..
note for my future husband.. we better get a RV and have a overland trip.. lol.
talking bout flight experience.. i remember the time when i want to use the toilet inside the airplane.. I'm pretty surprised that most of the people who took the flight last time I only found one unflushed toiled bowl with the "pretty" little gift inside it.. not bad uh..? wanna know something more interesting? take any airlines which go to china.. take chinese or other budget airlines.. it will be more awesome if you take the flight from china.. choose uncommon city to go from..
once I went to china, well we had an "awesome" trip back then.. they really commit into their tradition.. balancing the yin and yang.. the bad and the goodness.. my china trip will be in different posting lol, anyway.. when i took my flight back from china.. the airplane is just like.. a nightmare.. 5 hours took me forever.. and when i arrived i cried then i ran to one of the pillar and become koala.. *too much drama..  well yes, the airplane is really disgusting.. toiled papers everywhere, babies cried, a lot of alien noises, i-don't-understand-english-version of the flight attendants, and boom, bonus for the one who went to the toilet ! colorful toilet paper hanging around the overload trash bin, urine color toilet bowl, deadly aroma therapy over 2 meters.. hmm or world.. how wonderful are chinese girls' armpits.. i'm wondering the story behind it and why they still keep that tradition..

American Dream

Why there is a lot of people wants to go to work in USA? I still remember last time that I have to queue below the bridge for 2 hours to get into the embassy, it's not that all, we should have to pay for the entrance fee, filled some forms, and dear Lord, the staff weren't nice at all, at least show some respect to the elderly people, we're trying to be legal not just jump on the ship or swim to USA and becoming a hobo there.. =(.. We just like cows in a farm, waiting in line for almost another 4 hrs then get into the interview section.. At first I thought that it's only happened in my country, cause it's famous with the "american companies" bombing but na ah.. sometimes the way they think it's just too complicated, they want to make things to be more "well arranged" but people might take it for granted.. well every time that I talked bout America, the first thing that pop up to my head is getting the visa experience.. well back to topic.. yuuu...
Sering ga sih kita tuh binun sama yg namanya masa depan, takut buat melangkah n mengambil keputusan. saia yakin banged di indo tuh banyak org2 yg bermental kuat n ga ragu buat memilih jalan hidup.. tapi saia salah satu yg bukan =), plin plan? ia banged.. lol.. sejak pengalaman patah hati, est 2007, suatu kebodohan dalam hidup, tapi biarlah menjadi sebuah pelajaran.. saia mulai mencari alternatif hidup lain, masi muda, merasa kuad dan mampu ngelakuin apa aja.. pengen rasanya bertualang, mencari sesuatu yang baru dari rutinitas hidup yg *rec. nyaman, dirumah, pake duit orang tua, ada pembantu, ada piaraan, ada teman2. mule de nekat dari lamar kerja di Dubai, berakhir ditolak mentah sama bokap abis itu stela setenga taon nganggur baru dy nyesel ga kasi gw k dubai.. terus ikut lamar AIESEC (this program is really challenging for us) tp gagal lolos 2nd interview n dengan berat hati ga bisa ngelanjutin program na gara2 uda mule gawe sama sodara... terus cari sekolahan de.. singapura - malay - oz - nz - canada - daannnn.. amerikahh .. astaga... mungkin gw bakal cerita lagi gmn perjuangan gw sampe akhirna bisa pili amrik.. dan disinilah saia berlabuh.. SNHU oh... dan pkl lagi de d Florida..
banyak orang berbondong - bondong buat kerja diluar negri... memang sih kalo uda kerja disini gaji na ajib lah dibanding kampung halaman, tapi harus siap banged buat hidup susah.. *rec, klo uda ga minta duid papa mama yah.. mungkin omongan gw skrg masi plain banged de.. masi baru disini.. blm banyak pengalaman, secara disini jg masi blm bisa bebas, masi terikat kontrak sekolah n blm settle banged euy, blm ada license,, ga ada mobil.. ga bisa piara hewan (intinya sih itu).. tapi menurut observasi gw.. kita sebagai esl (english as second languge) harus bener2 bisa makan ati bener de, bersyukurlah kalian yang d amrik masi bisa kerja di lingkungan sekampung halaman, soalna bisa komunikasi dengan nyaman sesama tmn sekerja tuh bener2 penting puol.. banyak banged duka gw regarding the language problem.. =(
it's all about money right? *rec tupi.. lol.. yes i do agree.. orang2 disini betah2in kerja bener2 cmn buat duid saja.. mereka banyak yg saling nikam dari blkng, banyak yg jelek2in dr blakang, fake banged de.. gatau pada setuju sama gw ato ga, tapi yg gw liad dari tempat kerja gw sih begitu yah.. bener2 jarang terlihat yg kerja tapi buat kejar karir.. kebanyakan ud nyaman sama posisi mereka yg paling bawah tapi bisa dapet duit paling kenceng.. itulah knp tenaga kerja luar banyak digunakan.. soalna angmo maw kejar karir.. n biarlah imigran yg menopang mereka.. what an american dream uh?


this gadget is so tweetttt.. !! i just realized that my live is being upside down since i had this crackberry.. i started to chat, chat and chat,, tweet tweet and tweet.. most of the time (at work too =p) sorry i can't help it.. i bought my blackberry 8520.. well i should tell you how i got this phone.. i supposed to have it for free !! geez why am i so stupid, i couldn't control my shopping adrenaline.. hmm.. at first i didn't trust buying electronic stuff through online shop but i have another story when at least i realized that what i did it such a mistake !.. oh well.. i'll upload my photo and everything soon.. oh i'm such a nerd,, just waiting for cafe world game on facebook, wasting my time to sleep.. gadget war stories soon !

Thursday, June 18, 2009

singapura - jepang - ...

syalalala.. perjuangan aduhai dimulai..

gw melenggang k check in counter changi.. cinta banged sama changi apo (blom nyasar aj dsana blng cinta) pokoknya bandaranya tuh yg ajib yuu.... jalannya berpetak2.. n security united airlines nya ganteng. namanya muh sumthin tapi puti.. (jgn2 dy org menado).. haha.. jadi gw d periksa gt bagasi sama si muh.. dy tanya ini itu.. cong kepo banged.. yg kurang tuh tinggal ditanya nomer telp sama berat badan.. tapi dy yg sok sweet d bela2in lari k check in counter buat kasi gw plastik.. halah..

bener2 ni keknya gw kesurupan setan waktu packing d jkt.. gatau bawa apa aja yah.. tapi pas gw unpacking disini... laci gw sampe drop gt saking beratnya.. gw rasa 3 bln gw disini tuh tiap hr gw bisa ganti baju.. n tiap hari tu org2 bulele ktmu gw pasti dy kira gw org baru x.. (darah turis gw bergejolak).. anyway,... lanjutin d changi.. gw pas nimbang troli sampe kudu bongkar pasang, ambil 1 jeans kluar gara2 keberatan.. gw sombong banged tanya klo overweight bayar brp.. n guess how much it is.. seratus lima dolar saja loh...

gw beli parfum rekomendasi dave bego.. which is dkny , langsung aja gw sabet yg warna mera.. it smells nice.. ^^b.. ud telat gilee.. si peni ma gadud da koling koling terus.. biasa .. gw artis gt mrk ga sabar mw ktmu gw..

hmm jepun jepun pun.. 6 jam perjalanan ksana.. mantafff.. 2 petualang dari indo.. duduk dan tidur bersama.. bener2 tidur bersamaa.. saking sama nya sampe2 tuh pala jg pelo kearah yg sama.. gaya nya samaa.. meninggalkan gw basi sendirian d blakang psawatt.. cihh.. padahal da gw bela2in tuh booking 1 row blakang buat mrk.. tp mrk gaenakan gt permisi ma bulele..

ada pramugari yg jutek n galak bet.. jadi tuh pas gw maw permisi k wc.. ditolak mentah2 gara2 dy blng lampu seatbeltnya masi on.... gw maw liad tu muka masi bisa dongak keatas ga klo da liad gw berak dclana.. anyway.. moga2 tupi baca ini.. tu pramugari.. sebut pramcun 'pramugari pecun' bener2 brantakan de.. rambutnya ad poni gt.. poni dibawa alis lohhh.. yg rata ala cleopatra terus rambutnya panjang yg d ponitail aja..ckckc bener2 d.. klo pramcun it disejajarin sama tmn dy yg prampun 'pramugari jepun' kebanting banting.. guling guling.. muter muter.. goyang dombret.. tu pramcun.. si prampun sihh uuuuuuualalala... baiknyaaa, terus sopan terus terus terus cakep.. terus.. mannernya top de.. n dy rapih jg.. kek yg gw nonton d attention pls! dy tuh yg pake syal diiket kesamping.. hihihihi.. lucuuu..

sesampainya d jepun.. kita b3 cmn bisa hohoho.. hohoho ngejar next flight.. boro2 melihat indahnya narita.. kita cmn bisa puas liad vending machine jepun yg ajib!..

us 804 is now headin to washington dc.. >.<

Jakarta - Singapore

myahahahhahaa.. ok ok ok.. lets start.. gw bakal cerita in hipihipi gw waktu d sg.. halaahh

bole d skip ya cerita gw waktu maw k apo coz is was sad.. >.< gw berjuang sebisa gw buat ga mikirin n kangen ma nyoe..

seneng banged waktu ktmu tmn2 d apo.. walo gatau ngaret banged d mrk datengnya .. pif...

hmmm.. so gw k sg naek sq.. ahuhauahua servicenya trebient !.. mantaf... tapi gw yg kek udik banged d.. kan ada tipinya tuh.. gw gatau gt nyolokin headsetnya dmn... jadi gw ya sok2 an aj hilir mudik liatin org2..ato ga pura2 tidur.. hihihi.. gw da poto sama pramugari sq as tupi requested.. ntar coba gw upload d fb ^^

d sg yahh.. pas nyampe.. jopan ma brotha tercinta menjmput d apo.. fyi.. bagasi gw tuh hedon bangedd .. gw bawa 2 koper guedee sampe troli d sg apo tuh ga muad hahaha + 1 koper kecil + 1 handbag.. gw kek srimulat gt diliatin jopan angkat2 koper.. hufff.. untung ud sepi apo na jadi ga diliatin org de..

gw tinggal d fairmont hotel.. thx to bashu.. hotelnya mantep bet.. ahuahuahua.. sayang gw ga pegi k spany >.<.. kita ada pegi makan buffet lunch d swiss cafe... yuu.. makanannya so so banged.. jauh lebi enk hotel d pp huh.. tadinya maw makan d prego.. tp dave jelek insist k swiss cafe mpe bela2in kasi no telpnya biar bisa d contact.. at nite.. gw pegi k .. apa ya namanyaaa.. tribal cafe?? duh gw lupa euyy.. yg pastiii gw dikerjain sama manusia2 singapura keparaaaaaaaaaatttttttttt... gw disuru manggung bokk... fuh fuh fuh.. dasar penipu...

bis ntu k panpac.. kangen euy.. wakakakk.. ktmu org2 rame bet.. tapi cmn ambil poto ma deni ong.. >.< pikir bsknya k pp lagi taunya kaga.. sayang gaisa ktmu ma ms harmony... bsknya kita pegi nonton terminator "again".. jj dengan hebringnya semangat nonton... dy pikir itu pilm transformer.. hahahah dudud !.. malem.. k blujaz.. jovan's made is the best.. portionnya jg mantaffffff... gw ja ga abis.. huks.. maap ya jopaaann.. btw .. gw bikin dosa laen d sg.. hauhauahua naek bus tapi ga bayar.. what to say.. pas maw bayar da ga bisa.. maw scan ez link card gw jg failed..

malam2.. berkongkow ria dgn deni dan alip.. kangen bet sama deni bear.. huhu.. yg kocak.. dy maw bikin video perpisahan.. uda keren2 begaya dll taunya gw blm rekam aka masi photo mode.. wakakaka begokkkkkkkk.. langsung lemes smw ilfil bet pas rekaman ulank... bis kongkow.. kita karokee.. yuuuuuu..

malam.. k apo.. sedih sedih.. dah2 jgn dibahas.. but anyway.. security nya naksir gw nih.. ihi ihi ih ih ih ih ih i....

Friday, May 15, 2009

ILASIK asik..

so apa yg baru dari keli? yg baru ya matanya... woww
seperti mempunyai mata baru ! 

*revalina s temat goyang pantat

ive just been trough an ILASIK surgery last tuesday.. gw mestinya eye restin smingguan gt,, tapi bandel euy..

buat temans yg maw tau lasik ntu kek apa.. benernya skrg ni ud canggih bet.. dl kan masi jamannya yg blade gt, skrg ud ada yg bladeless.. (bayangin klo lagi ice skating, dulu blade skrg bladeless, asoyy..) anyway, bedanya blade itu namanya LASIK, klo yg bladeless itu ILASIK.. i nya itu intra (inget2 baca brosur)

yah gw masi keinget2 kmrn operasi d jakarta eye centre.. dokter gw namanya johan, org batak.. asli cihuy tu dokter gaul.. waktu masuk ruangannya, ada imac, ipod lengkap ma spiker2nya lg nge jazzy gt.. terus kakinya dilipet terus dgn cool senyum sumringah "wah kamu mata nya jomblang yg sebela min 1 yg sebela min 4" begonya lagi gw da bertaon2 baru sadar klo mata gw jomblang.. aneoh.. jadi walo ud pk kacamata ttp aj pas d tes tutup sebela gw ga bisa liad.. jadi slama ini tmn2 liad sbenernya gw buta sebelah.. makanya kan gw jalan miring2.. oh no!..

ehem ya terus.. skip sampe hari operasi.. buat tmn2 yg ga bisa ngeliad.. jgn kek org susa d search utub klo ga google it. bayangin aj tu mata matanya gw.. 

gw baru kali ini seumur2 dioperasi.. norak gt gara2 saking dingin ruangannya gw pake kaos kaki jari belang2 kebanggaan gw, terus selimutan, ngeringkuk.. dingin gilak! lasik tuh ga di bius kan.. jadi gw bisa liad jelas itu piso2 menggelayuti mataku.. nah disini de bedanya lasik ma ilasik..

klo lasik itu piso na masi manual sama si dokter.. ada mesinnya ga jelas sih buat apa.. cmn keren gt bisa ngmng sendiri.. ada bunyi tulit2 terus dy ngomong "im ready doctor" cieeeeeh.. terus bunyi piso ajibbbb gt.. ngeeeeeeeeeeng.. n ada bau2 bakarnya.. pheww... abis itu baru giliran gw di ilasik.. ga ada acara gt2an.. jadi mata gw kek pake alat 1 buat nyedot,, terus ganti mesin, n mesin bertindak, mata uda kek jelly tapi ga sakit sih.. pantangan buat setela lasik it banyak bet.. pengen gw jabarin ntar2 de.. yg cool lagi.. abis lasik kita dikasi google gt.. kek kacamata renang,, tp ini sih buatan dari cop yg biasa buat mata, kreatip jg ya.. pas udahan pk itu.. gw begaya ala power ranger "ranger pink!" .. sayang bokap blm balikin hp gw.. jadi gw blm bisa poto pas begaya gt.. >.<

blogger ala indo..

pemikiran ini tercetus begitu saja.. setelah gw telusuri ini blog.. benernya sih cmn isi2 profil.. daristadi gw ud curiga keknya ada yg ga beres sama ini blog.. benernya ini blog indonesia ato blog ala malay sih.. bahasanya yg terlalu gaul ala blogger ato emg gw yg goblog ga ngerti bahasa baku.. *inget nile 4 bhs indo d rapot..maafkan saia bu Grace* 

sumpe de daristadi gw bacain 1 1 kalimat penjelasan yg ada di kanan tiap pilihan itu,, asli kok gw mala makin ga ngerti ya disuru ngapaen.. hara2.. ya sutra la.. sekilas curahan hati diri..

duh malu..

sblmnya saia ingin mengucap syukur kpd Tuhan YME, karna masi diberikan kesempatan untuk ...


seperti yg sudah diperkirakan untuk diketik.. posting pertama ya pasti perkenalan laa.. alesan napa buat blog laaaa...

knp ya saia buat blog *lagi.. yg awal maw dilanjutin ehh lupa login pass, boro2 inget id pass, blog na bikin d web aj lupa.. terus yah alesan ngeblog lagi krn.. BOSAN.. sumpeq diruma, bonyok pegi, teman2 pada pegi maw ikt tapi apa daya... niat maw maen ma nyoe, tp kasian tu anjink da gw remes2, klo tu anjink mie kremes pasti uda abis 7 dus. klo ikutin mawnya pasti tu anjink ngajak ngejogg puter2 meja, ajubile tarikan napas ud vespa taon 40 ni kaga kuad lg..

eniwei drpd kenalin diri mending kenalin si nyoe aj

nama : the great nyoenyoe caesar
tmpt/tgl lahir : Paris Van Java/ *dirahasiakan*
hobi : jogging, main bola, nungging
kesukaan : pejantan tangguh
kelas : bulu
golongan : blaster poodle shih tzu
status : single
pekerjaan : tatakan kaki, korban kekerasan rumah tangga

klo ada pertanyaan kotak suara fans selalu terbuka untuk anda.. ciao !


diatas adalah posting baru d blog baru yg ternyata sama2 d blogger.. *NDABLEG.. BLEG BLEG.. pas ud postink baru kliatan d profil klo ternyata uda perna ada.. hihihi...

hmm.. ud baca posting lama.. ga nyambunk ya.. ud ampir staon yg lalu ahyuck.. sek yo d post dl yg ini.. gw jadi binun benernya blog gw yg mana.. tapi cingcangkellyng lebi asoy d..